Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Dota 6.73c download

DotA 6.73c Map
DotA 6.73c Map is now officially out. IceFrog has done some bug hunting and fixed a rare issue with PowerPC Mac causing DotA to crash on games. He also removed the Christmas cosmetic changes and brought minor balancing tweaks to the new heroes ability. Get the latest DotA v6.73cmap and read it's patch notes.

DotA 6.73c Map Download:
DotA v6.73c.w3x (Mirror 1)

Download the map .w3x file and put it 'Warcraft 3\Maps\Download' folder in order to play.

DotA 6.73c Map Changelogs:

* Fire Remnant activation cost increased from 100 to 150
* Flame Guard magic barrier reduced from 150/300/450/600 to 100/250/400/550
* Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.75 to 0.9
* Chakram manacost over time reduced from 20/30/40 to 20/25/30

* Removed all Christmas themed additions
* Fixed death timer not showing properly
* Fixed a crash that happens on PowerPC Mac systems when playing online
* Fixed a rare bug that could cause Ember Spirit to be unable to move
* More map optimizations

* Fixed Aghanim Tiny Illusions appearing as unupgraded Tiny
* Fixed rare bugs with Sleight of Fist and Hex
* Fixed sound effect on Skywrath Mage's attack projectile
* Fixed visual effect for Rod of Atos's slow not showing
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed Ring of Aquila shared disable icon
* Fixed a very minor visual glitch with Tranquil Boots item cooldown causing non-active items to look in cooldown
* Fixed Shadow Demon's scoreboard icon
* Fixed a bug with Tranquil boots and Aghanim Meepo
* Fixed Orchid recipe shop hotkey
* Fixed Chakram continuing to deal damage after game is over
We hope that DotA 6.73c will be the final map of DotA 6.73 series and developer will now concentrate on the development of next version.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Warcraft 3 Manabars

Warcraft 3 Manabars is a tool which allow players to see Manabars of their Heroes and units in game, just underneath HP Bar. Normally,Warcraft 3 does not have option to view the Manabars of the units. This tiny piece of program will surely help DotA-Allstars players to check the manapool of their opponents during Battles, chasing, ganking etc. Check the Warcraft 3 Manabars 1.4 Download & guide.

Download Warcraft 3 Manabars:
Manabars (mirror 1)
Manabars (mirror 2)

• Download Manabars and extract the files.
• Run Warcraft 3 and switch to desktop using Alt+Tab.
• Now run Manabars.exe from the extracted files.
• Now play a map, you will see Manabars of allied and enemy units/heroes.

Magina Fans must download this software

- All credits goes to Lynn for creating this program.
- If you disable "Show HP Bars" option in Warcraft 3, the manabars will also disable.
- Don't forget to visit my blog for more updates :)

Thursday, 5 January 2012

IMT - Invoker and Mirana Tool

This is a tool that you can simply cast 9 skills of invoker easily in just 15 seconds or 10 and you can back arrow easily if you are using mirana with this tool Smile

How to use
Download the program then open it then configure the hotkeys to your liking and open warcraft and use invoker/mirana and play like a pro.

Note: For Invoker You must double press the hotkey for it to operate. For Mirana you don't need to double press the hotkey.
Download Link


Don't worry about viruses because it is not true nothing will happen to your computer if you do not trust this then don't download.

Tutorial for Mirana:
Place your mouse cursor in front of mirana but this distance:
Image is shown in its original resolution (620x262). Click this bar to resize image to fit in page (600x254). Click image to open in new window.
[Image: EljIK.png]

After that press the hotkey you configured earlier.
Image is shown in its original resolution (603x206). Click this bar to resize image to fit in page (600x205). Click image to open in new window.
[Image: 2mNTE.png]

Warcraft 3 Increase your DotA FPS by 10 frames per second

If you want to increase your FPS (frames per second), or easier said, your DotA will go faster, do this "unknown" thing. I increased at least 10-15 FPS without doing anything. Now I have about 50, and I used to have about 35-40.

I tested this and its working correctly at 90% cases! Possible side effects are in the Q&A.

1. Press START (windows)

2. Press RUN

3. Type REGEDIT and press enter.

4. When you enter REGEDIT, follow the picture and change the value in lockfb from 1 to 0.

Image has been scaled down 25% (600x360). Click this bar to view original image (800x480). Click image to open in new window.
[Image: picture.php?albumid=1087&pictureid=14282]

Q: Is this illegal / hack?

A: No! NO! This it 100% legal thing. It doesn't have anything to do with cheating. This will only and only increase your FPS and nothing else. Imagine this as you bought a new and fast PC

Q: I have from 50 to 64 FPS and this didn't help me.

A: There is no point doing this if you already have MAX fps which is 64. Warcraft 3 is capped to 64fps no matter how strong your PC is.

Q: My mouse seems slower now.

A: If you know how to go to NVIDIA or ATI control panel and disable VSYNC, it will gone away.

Q: It didn't help me at all, I still have the same FPS.

A: If you are playing with -opengl mode, it will not work.

Q: Does this work with Garena / RGC / Dotaleague and others?

A: Yes! It works no matter where you play. This thing has nothing to do with DotA in general, it only changes Warcraft 3 registry which increases FPS, no matter what Map you play or where you play.

Q: Is this going to change my DotA in any way? Are graphic going to be bad? Will this crash my game?

A: No, no, no and no. This will not change anything! It only has to do with system stuff. I repeat, this has no side effects at all!

Q: I'm a MAC user and how to do this?

A: It doesn't work, as MACs use Opengl.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Epic Clashes of 2011

No one lives forever

Static Differences

Many players have a general understanding of the game, what heroes are countering who, what heroes are best at solo laning, and who can jungle; or in more simple words, what you can do to change the outcome of the game. This article goes one step further, and describes the abnormalities that are coded into the map; very small abnormalities that can have a huge impact on the game if you know how to take advantage of them, thus this article is directed towards the mid-skilled players.

Everyone has an understanding of the basics of the map, we have a sentinel base, a scourge base, a Roshan Area, two jungles (the big ones) and two forests (the small ones). Everyone know that we have three kinds of creeps: player allied (Treants, Ghouls etcetera), neutral creeps as well as ancients creeps (including Roshan too). What this section is about is how the overall map is different, many knows that Roshan is an abnormality which gives an advantage to the scourge side, but not many people know that the mid creeps are favouring the sentinel side or that you can triple pull in the sentinel jungle.


Mid lane, and its relations to the rune spots and ganks.

To the solo mid hero, rune-control is very important and it is not difficult to see that the two sides are unsymmetrical.
We can see that the distance from the towers offers scourge a lot of advantage, and although they have a bit longer to the top rune, the sentinel hero has to go through a curve, meaning that the distance will be almost the same; meaning that the scourge has a distance advantage in a possible rune-race.
Furthermore, the mid lane is usually ganked a lot, as it is in the middle of the map (hence the name), this is where the sentinel lane has its powers. While as the scourge side can be easily ganked from both sides, a gank on the sentinel mid is usually a lot more difficult. The way to the mid lane from bot is usually heavily warded and can be seen as impenetrable, while as the way from the top lane is guarded by a curve that gives the sentinel mid a huge sight advantage at day. This sight advantage is even more enhanced by the fact that while scourge only has one pile of trees to juke in, the sentinel has two.

Roshan Zone

Probably the difference which has the most impact on the game, the Roshan zone is positioned on the scourge side of the map, and you can activate the scourge secret shop from the area. Being placed on the scourge side of the map, near the bot lane, means that scourge has access to the Roshan Zone through three towers (mid tier one, bot tier one and bot tier two), while sentinel only have from one (mid tier one tower). This means, that scourge is only in need of one ward, while as sentinel is in need of two wards to be able to see any gank attempt (granting that neither teams has lost any of the important towers).
This difference gives the scourge team a huge advantage, as even after a won team-fight, the sentinel team has to be careful, as a (buyback-) teleporting scourge team can easily backstab them.


This section is including all the creep-relating differences in the map, including neutrals, the behaviour of creeps on lane, and the specific differences between the Ghouls and Treants.

Ghouls and Treants

Although these two units are alike in almost every case, there is one small difference; Treants have a greater base than the ghouls, due to the greater unit size they have. This in combination with the Treants coming from the lower left corner results in Ghouls being able to 'hide' behind the Treants, making them a lot harder to hit.

Pulling creeps

The majority of the DotA community know that both teams can pull one main camp. The scourge are then able to pull a second camp diagonally (is usable by the sentinel horizontally too) while as the sentinel are able to double, and even triple, pull with the use of tangoes or quelling blade. This does put the sentinel jungler in a dangerous position however, as the second creep camp is located fairly near the scourge tier one bot tower.


Although the jungling aspect is close to extinct at the moment, it is still worth mentioning, as the two jungles differentiate greatly.

The creep-camps in the scourge jungle are positioned with a lot of distance among them, but in such a way that you are able to circle among them all, so not to waste valuable time; and in the later stage of the game, this allows you to end up at your own base, making it a safe jungle if pressured.

In comparison, the sentinel jungle are 'divided' in two, meaning that you can easily circle among the three main camps without actually moving, but as the game progresses, your jungle farm will decrease due to increased walking time.
What is probably the most known feature of the sentinel jungle however, is the 'magic bush' which are able to block two camps and thus nullifying any jungling hero.

But while the jungles are important, we must not neglect the forests, containing some of the most powerful units in the game. Here we can yet again see a difference between the sentinel and the scourge side, as while the sentinel ancient camp are facing toward the middle of the map, and are located in a rather non-travelled part; the scourge ancient camp is facing the scourge secret shop, with easy access to this as well as the Roshan Zone; making it a lot more difficult for sentinel to farm on scourge ancients than scourge on sentinel ancients if the game are even, but easier for sentinel to farm on sentinel ancients than scourge on scourge ancients if they are losing map-advantage.
Note: Other camps are pull-able with accurate timing and specific creeps, but as this is never done, this will not be mentioned here.

Mid lane in particular

Mid lane, as opposed to top and bot, has a slight difference in creep arrival, as a result of pre-discussed enlargement of scourge base. This means that the sentinel ranged creep is standing up-hill, and a ranged hero will be able to actively use the Fog of War, thus having a huge advantage in the first minute of the lane as the enemy do not have the ability to predict when the attacks are landing.

The picture to the right is an extreme situation, which almost never occurs with the first creep-spawn; usually the ranged creep are standing just on top of the ramp, allowing only heroes with approximately 600 range to attack from the actual Fog of War. Usually this is countered by creep-blocking, but while the sentinel towers are placed rather well for a creep-block, the scourge tier two mid tower is awkwardly placed, so that a perfect creep-block actually will allow a creep to avoid the block all together, by taking a different route.

Creeps vs Buildings

What buildings the creeps are going to attack when entering the base, is yet another small difference that can have a huge impact on the game. The following information is gotten by watching the creeps entering the base unobstructed and with no heroes on the map, and might differ in a game due to small differences.

Sentinel CreepsScourge Creeps
TopAll creeps are attacking melee raxAll creeps are attacking melee rax.
MidMelee creeps are attacking melee rax; ranged creeps are attacking ranged rax. There is a possibility of melee creeps attacking right Ziggurat; ranged creeps attacking left Ziggurat.Melee creeps are attacking the ranged rax; ranged creeps are attacking Moon Well.
BottomMelee creeps are attacking the ranged rax; all ranged creeps are attacking the Ziggurat. There is a possibility of melee creeps attacking Ziggurat.All creeps are attacking the ranged rax.

Warcraft 3 Styler

Warcraft 3 Styler
Warcraft 3 Styler is small program created for customizing Warcraft 3 appearance and background music. It can switch between multiple animated Warcraft 3 backgrounds and User Interface themes from campaigns for different races. You can even add your custom in-game music playlist by using this program.

Wc3 Styler Download:
War3Styler.rar (11 MB)

Guide, How to use Warcraft 3 Styler:

• Download the from the links above.
• Extract the to any folder files using WinRAR.
• Now Run "Wc3styler.exe".
• Select your desired 3D Background, In-game User Interface, Game Music and click "to all races" check-box.
• Now start your Warcraft 3 to see the changes!
• Make sure, you close your Warcraft 3 and map editor before running this program.
• You can easily restore to the defaults setting used by the game using the check box in the top ofeach tab.

Crisgon Dota tool kit

Here comes an awesome pack of DotA Tools developed by Crisgon. It'sbasically a normal Warcraft 3 Toolkit but with some advanced addonsspecially designed for DotA. This program has almost every utility which a DotA Player must have during the game. This includes incrediblefeatures like CustomKeys, FPS improver, Meepo Bot, Invoker Bot and much more.

Now players won't have to open multiple programs for the specific functions because this program has all of them!

Download Crisgon DotA Toolkit: 

Crisgon DotA Toolkit v3.3b (mirror 1)

Download the toolkit and extract it in your Warcraft 3 folder.
* Updated to DotA v6.72

Crisgon DotA Toolkit Features:

Warcraft 3 Tools Crigson• Inventory Hotkeys
Allows you to remap your Warcraft 3 Inventory Hotkeys to any key.

• Mouse Wheel Bind:
You can bind any Keyboard key to your mouse wheel.

• Skill, Autocast & Selfcast.
This allows to set your desired hotkey for skills and then use it for Auto-cast & Selfcast.

• Warcraft 3 CustomKeys (Spell Hotkeys)
Great feature, Permits you to generate CustomKeys.txt for your Spells (abilities) and other action/movement keys. Such as: Q,W,E,R etc.
Crigson DotA ToolkitNote: You need to activate Custom Keys from Warcraft 3 gameplay settings in order to make it work.

• Invoker Super Keys (Invoker Bot)
This allows you to bind hotkey for making Invoker skills (you can make Invoker spells by pressing one key)

• Meepo Super Keys (meepo bot)
1. Poof Boot:
Bind 1 key for all Meepo clone's poof, they will poof to the original Geomancer.
2. Earthbind Bot:
This feature automatically switches to the next Meepo after casting Earthbind, you just need to activate it using a Hotkey.
• Quick Messages:
For spammers only.. Kidding, This will allow you to send Quick Messages by binding a key.

Tip: You can use prefix, for e.g
All: "your text here" - This will send messages in all.
Our: "your text here" - This will send in allies.

• Quick Launch:
Launch any other program by selecting it or copy and paste it's path and clicking launch.

• Toggle Health Bars/CustomKeys
Allows you to switch Health bars & CustomKeys ON or OFF during game using a hotkey.

• Resolution Changer:
You can change your Warcraft 3 Resolution whatever you want. This is intended for Widescreen users only, who don't have their resolution listed on video settings page.

• Improve FPS:
This improves your Warcraft 3 Frames Per Second rate so you can play smoothly.

• Warcraft 3 Window Mode:
Play Warcraft 3 in windowed mode without having any cursor problems.